how to store your power tool batteries

store your power tool batteries in our STIHL battery boxSTIHL cordless tools are all powered by batteries containing high-quality lithium-ion cells. They all meet high safety standards and can be fully recharged up to 1200 times with only a slight loss of capacity. But lithium-ion batteries are highly susceptible to temperature, which you do need to take into consideration when storing your cordless tools in winter.

Temperatures that are too high or too low can cause the cells to suffer permanent damage. In winter it is even possible for battery packs to freeze and become completely unusable.

How Do I Prevent Damage To My Batteries?

STIHL BatteryFirstly, lithium-ion batteries are best stored at half charge. Keep this in mind when you’re using your cordless tools in winter and if needed, pop the battery on the charger before storing so it isn’t completely drained of charge. You should always store batteries separate from the tool too, unless of course the battery is part of the tool (like our AI Line of tools). A battery cover can be inserted into the tool’s battery slot to prevent dirt and dust build-up.

Leaky sheds are not ideal places for storing batteries. Water can encourage corrosion, and sheds are still prone to low temperatures. Bring the battery inside to a dry and warm place. If you have a collection of batteries, our battery boxes are a handy way to keep them protected when not in use too.

STIHL Battery CoverIf your battery does get too cold, our clever battery technology includes fail-safe systems that activate when the battery pack begins to shift into an unsafe state. This safety feature means the lithium-ion cells are made safe even if the battery is in a faulty state. But once a battery is in this state, all four lights on the LED display will flash red and it won’t be possible to repair it so make sure you follow our battery storage tips to get the most out of your batteries.


